Sunday, September 23, 2012

Funding Required To Make A Life Saving Home Kidney Care Kit Available To Everyone.

It is time to make a technology available globally that would not only help save lives but also would give peace of mind to millions of people around the world who would use this technology on a regular basis and make sure their kidneys are healthy and functioning well. Nothing can beat sense of security of your own health, especially when it comes to your own kidney.

If you ask any common man – do you have or know of any tool for monitoring your blood pressure or sugar level at your own home? Almost all of them will say “YES”. But if you further ask them if they are aware of any device or tool to check the state of health of their own kidney, right at the comfort of their own home? Then, the overwhelming answer would be a “NO”. This is because until now only handful of people are aware about the existence of any such home test kit that detects kidney health. Now to bring relief for the section of population that needs close monitoring of their kidney heath, our Kidney Care Team has invented such a diagnostic device called URINE ALBUKIT.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SARABJEET JOHAR [ President of CHD ]

Sarabjeet Johar is a chemical scientist who, as President of CHD, is actively involved in human welfare activities by means of his research works in chemical analysis of products of everyday life. His targets are marketing of faulty and harmful food products ; hazardous consumer products ; dangerous, fake, and substandard medicines ; and fake health supplements with false labeling. His other areas of major attention are drinking water, and poverty. In the case of drinking water, Sarabjeet Johar has already cautioned the world by highlighting the hazards of Reverse Osmosis (R. O.) waters through his press conference on 26 April, 2007, at Kanpur (India). As per his findings after analyzing various brands of bottled waters, the R. O. water purification system is extremely hazardous for the human society. Sarabjeet Johar has demanded that marketing of R. O. waters should be declared a social crime.



About 32 years ago, on December 9, 1976, a news item titled “Vasectomy Makes For Better Sex Life” was published in India’s leading daily, The Times Of India, New Delhi. In response to that TOI news story the author of this article ( GSJ ), who is also the Secretary of CHEMISTRY FOR HUMANITY & DIVINITY [ CHD ]—a non-profit organization, had responded by getting his own letter article titled “Vasectomy Benefits” published in the same newspaper on 18-12-1976. Since the contents of the author’s that 32-year-old article are still valid today, the same print medium article is being reproduced hereunder for the benefit of entire human society sans boundaries
A group of nine research workers led by Dr. D. C. G. Skegg at Oxford University, England, studied the blood hormone levels of men who had undergone vasectomy ( up to 6 years back ) and of those who were about to undergo this operation. It was found that mean plasma concentration of the most important male sex hormone “TESTOSTERONE” was slightly higher in those who had undergone vasectomy than in those who had not done so. On the other hand no significant difference was found in the two groups as regards the concentration of LH ( luteinizing hormone ), FSH ( follicle-stimulating hormone ), PROLACTIN ( milk secretion-stimulating hormone ), and OESTRADIOL ( a hormone of feminine origin ). Similarly, Dr. R. P. Das and his associates at the Biomedical Division of National Institute of Family Planning, New Delhi have observed that the concentration of SIALIC ACID ( N-acetylneuraminic acid ) which is a vital component of various mucoproteins and is present in saliva and semen both, remains the same before and after vasectomy.

At the Institute for Research in Reproduction ( I.R.R.) Bombay , it has been found that though the activity of the enzyme “SEMEN MALTASE” is reduced ( from 28.7 to 11.7 units/ml ) after vasectomy, the FRUCTOSE content remains unchanged. It is therefore quite obvious that there are apparently no major changes in the hormonal or other functions of the body after vasectomy. But at the same time, the increased amount of TESTOSTERONE following vasectomy undoubtedly increases the sexual power of the individual.

Another proof of the fact that vasectomy does not adversely affect hormonal quality, quantity, and activity in the body after vasectomy operation, has come from Central Drug Research Institute (C.D.R.I.), Lucknow. At this institute, a group of researchers have observed that the urinary excretion rate of male sex hormones and the activity of pituitary gland and its GONADOTROPHIN content (which stimulate sex glands) in non-vasectomized and vasectomized dogs ( after 90, 180, and 360 days of operation ) remained virtually unaltered.

In fact there is feeling in western countries that old and senile persons who have lost their sexual urge more or less completely can regain vitality after undergoing vasectomy.

Interestingly enough, it has also been conclusively proved that the blood and urine levels of the male sex hormone “TESTOSTERONE” have a direct relationship with the “heart condition”. A group of six Argentine doctors headed by U. L. Poggt found that in all patients who somehow survived myocardial infarction ( heart failure ) there were invariably observed low plasma testosterone levels ( Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, Vol. 7, p. 229, 1976 ). Similarly, another group of doctors, led by S. S. Barats at the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, Sverdlovsk , USSR, have linked the state of heart condition with urinary levels of TESTOSTERONE ( Kardiologiya, Vol. 16, p. 143, 1976 ). In males ( 40 – 60 years old ) a decrease in urinary TESTOSTERONE concentration to 28.1 micrograms per day from the normal value of 50.18 micrograms per day means ( according to Russian doctors ) development of an ischemic heart disease. Since vasectomy invariably results in an increased TESTOSTERONE synthesis in the body ( hence higher levels of this hormone in the blood and urine ), it may be concluded that vasectomized individuals sponte sua develop a higher safety index against heart diseases like atherosclerosis, etc.

Thus, opting for ‘vasectomy’ is hundred times simpler than undergoing ‘lumpectomy’, ‘hysterectomy’, ‘appendectomy, prostatectomy, or ‘mastectomy’. And of all the ‘–tomies’, vasectomy is the most beneficial on medical, ethical, and sociological grounds.

Hereunder the author of this article (GSJ) is poetically summarizing his views on vasectomy :

A Vasectomy Poetry
Vasectomy calls for only a minor tubular slit,
Providing not one , but many a health benefit.
If some one terms it an unethical religious shit,
He, for entire human society, be treated as unfit.
Adding a wanton child by unprotected sexual hit
Is a most serious social crime that one can commit.

Hello ladies ! Thus, opting for vasectomy is likely to increase your husband’s life span by providing a natural protection against heart attacks, etc. Not only this, the sexual power of a vasectomized husband is also likely to be relatively raised from pre-vasectomy level.


CHEMISTRY FOR HUMANITY & DIVINITY [ CHD ] is a non-profit organization created for the welfare of entire human society sans boundaries. There are many objectives on which this organization is putting in tremendous efforts to offer the resultant benefits to the society. Analytical chemistry is one of the major tools of CHD by means of which it intends to achieve the desirable results in such fields like PUBLIC HEALTH, FOOD FRAUDS, QUACKERY, ADULTERATION, FAKE & SUBSTANDARD MEDICINES, etc. One of the major objectives of CHD is to popularize natural sciences (with special reference to chemistry). To achieve this goal, interesting and eye-opening lectures and demonstrations are planned to be given to unravel the secrets of each and every aspect of life including birth, childhood, youthfulness, old age, death, and life-after-death. The chemistry of the universe created by the Almighty God and of the matters produced by Him will be disclosed in most simple and interesting manners understandable even to non-science individuals as well.
No human being in this world has ever claimed to have seen face of the God. Throughout their life span the devotees, monks, saints, etc, deeply believing in the existence of Almighty God, continue to sing hymns or deliver sermons in praise of Him. But alas nobody till this date has been able to describe the facial characteristics of the creator of this universe.If we wish to see the God, by face, who has created this world and the entire universe then unquestionably we have to acquire the knowledge of chemistry. Chemistry is a divine subject and its knowledge is as endless as the length and breath of the universe. Each and every material that we see in this world is made up of chemical entities whose internal chemical structures involve intricate geometrical arrangements of molecules, atoms, and electrons. The staggering atomic structures, molecular arrangements, and electronic configurations involved in the making of various materials found in nature as well as in our body depict an amazing picture of Almighty God. Hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions going on inside the human body every second, and thereby producing staggering number of chemical / biochemical products (of incalculable cost in terms of dollars, pounds, or rupees) which actually help to sustain our life, are the direct proof of the existence of a super natural force, the God. One can see the multifaceted picture of God in these countless chemical structures of materials scattered throughout the universe.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Text Matter of the Press Conference Held at Press Club, Kanpur
On April 22, 2007

Speakers : Sarabjeet Singh Johar ( President )


Dr. G. S. Johar ( Secretary )




Truth About Bottled Waters

Bottled water is big business in every country as it usually tastes better than what comes out of your tap. But is every bottled water is "healthy water ?" Not always ! "Is the water hard ? Is it moderately high in TDS ?" Most bottled water labels in the India and elsewhere do not give the information you need to know the answers to these questions. The bottling company must print the complete water analysis Test Report on the label. Keep in mind many bottled waters are simply processed water using distillation, reverse osmosis, de-ionization or simply filtration. With over 700 brands of bottled water available in the US, around 80% are processed water. Same is the situation in India. For maintaining good health, we must purchase only natural spring or artesian well waters that come closest to the "healthy water" criteria, which says that hardness should be around 170 mg / l and TDS around 300 mg / l. References ( N. WALKER-1974 : “WATER CAN UNDERMINE YOUR HEALTH” ).
De-mineralized water has little or no minerals. This is the result if you use a distiller, a reverse osmosis unit (RO), or de-ionization (ion exchange resins). However, the research on heart disease and cancer shows a healthy water is hard and moderately high in TDS (total dissolved solids). Why do people purchase these de-mineralized or water softening systems ? Usually their thinking goes something like this. "I know I should drink water, but it's so polluted with chlorine, chemicals and toxic metals, that it's not safe. So I'll get rid of these harmful things and all will be OK." Not really. Creating a "healthy water" means removing the harmful agents but keeping the beneficial minerals. "Minerals in drinking water are more easily and better absorbed than minerals from food," according to Dr. John Sorenson, a leading authority on mineral metabolism.
Devices like R.O. remove everything from the water, harmful bacteria as well as beneficial minerals. This stripped water cannot sustain life even in a fish bowl. All fish require minerals to prosper, and if allowed to live in these types of water will perish. If this type of water is ingested for long periods of time, it can leach out valuable body minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. Mineralized water is needed for all cellular functions and if there are no minerals in your drinking water your body will rob the minerals from somewhere in your body to satisfy its needs. Mostly the bones and teeth are the worst victims to lose calcium, magnesium, etc. Although one can take mineral supplements to replace them however, but it is not easy to replace the minerals in our bodies in the same form that we lost them ( P. C. BRAGG & P. BRAGG, “The shocking truth about water”, Health Science, Volume 8, 1977 ).


(1) Calcium is the most well known osteoporosis-preventing element. It maintains bones and teeth. It also helps in lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension. The regular daily intake ( RDI ) of Calcium for adults is around 800 - 1000 mg. The prolonged deficiency of Calcium will also cause muscle spasms.
(2) Witout Calcium the contraction of heart muscles, nerve impulses, blood clotting and wound-healing cannot take place.
(3) Most people get only about half of the amount of Calcium they actually need each day. Besides food, water is the best source to provide Calcium. And in case if we don’t get Calcium even from water, then the entire life process of the man will be at stake.
(4) Without Calcium, even the hormones and enzymes that regulate digestion and metabolism cannot be produced in the body.
(5) Drinking Calcium-less water will greatly reduce blood calcium, and for carrying out vital functions, the body will try to steal Calcium from the bones. Eventually the withdrawals of Calcium from the bones will make them highly porous and fragile, thus causing occasional fractures.
(6) Calcium also helps in reducing the irritating effects of Bile acids in the colon, thus reduces the incidence of colon cancer.


(1) Just like calcium, Magnesium is also the most vital element for maintaining good health. The RDI for magnesium is minimum 320 mg for men and 270 mg for women daily. This element controls around 300 enzyme - related processes in the human body. Many chronic diseases may be prevented or treated by the regular intake of magnesium. The magnesium levels are easily depleted by stress, or by certain diseases or medication or by intense physical activity.
(2) Magnesium is involved in energy production, nerve function, muscle relaxation and bone and tooth formation. In conjunction with calcium and potassium, magnesium regulates heart rhythm. It also has a role in the production and use of insulin in the body. Reaseachers at the Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, have come to the conclusion that those people who have lowest magnesium levels in the body had a 94 % greater chance of developing type-two diabetes ( non-insulin-dependent ).

(3) Recent research indicates that magnesium helps to prevent and treat heart disease. Studies show that the risk of dying of a heart attack is lower in areas with ‘hard’ water, which contains high levels of magnesium. Some researchers speculate that, if everyone drank hard water, the number of deaths from heart attacks might decline by 19 %. Magnesium appears to lower blood pressure, and has also been found to aid recovery after a heart attack by inhibiting blood clots, widening the arteries and normalising the dangerous arrhythmias.

(4) Magnesium also helps in expanding the airways, which is helpful in treating asthma and bronchitis.

(5) The recommended ratio of Calcium and Magnesium in the body is 2:1. a lack of Magnesium can make a work-out harder. Magnesium also eases symptoms of Fibromyalgia ( muscle and joint pain ). It also reduces Spasms and Cramps, and lowers high B.P. too. In women it improves the symptoms of PMS ( Pre-menstrual syndrome ).


S I L I C A ( SiO2 )

[ Silica-free Water Will Gradually Make You Old-Looking and Ugly ]

Silica ( SiO2 ) is another trace mineral ( ~ 10 to 35 mg / liter ) in the drinking water that strengthens the body's connective tissues – the muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, and bone -- and is also vital for healthy skin. The synthesis of cartilage in human body takes place under the full involvement of silica. That is why Silica deficiency can result in reduced skin elasticity, and also hampers the body's ability to heal wounds. Solid food sources of silica include green onion, green beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango, asparagus, beet root, etc. But a large proportion of this ingested silica from these sources is not fully bio-available. Through further research it has also became apparent that healthy people always have higher levels of silica in their blood vessels and other tissues than those suffering from degenerative diseases. When people are young, Silica levels in their body are high and their bones and joints are also flexible ; our skin is also pliant, flexible and glowing. But with the growing age of the people, silica levels go on declining, and without adequate tissue levels of Silica, the human body manifests many of the symptoms of aging such as joint disease, weakened digestion, and wrinkled skin, etc.
The best of all the sources of readily absorbable form of silica is only pure natural drinking water wherein it is present in invisible, soluble colloidal form. The colloidal silica ( present in water as Silicic acid, H2SiO3 ) is much more bio-available to the body because it is absorbed rapidly after a short transit time in blood. The great binding ability of colloidal silica certainly makes it a most useful in the treatment of a whole range of conditions, but perhaps silica’s most exciting and innovative use is its ability to improve the strength and elasticity of the skin, hair, and nails by its direct action on the connective tissue. The colloidal Silica in water has the ability to undergo a process of binding with unwanted elements such as viruses, bacteria and inflammatory pathogens, rendering them immobile and harmless ! This natural power of silica makes it suitable for wound healing, as well as preventing to some extent the occurrence of acne vulgaris ( pimples ) and certain other inflammatory conditions.
The process of Reverse osmosis removes 85 - 90% of the silica content from the water. Up to 10 to 40 mg of silica are also lost from our bodies every day through excretion, skin shedding, hair cutting, nail clipping, etc. The R. O. technique either substantially reduces or completely eliminate this precious natural mineral—Silica from the water. The normal levels of Silica in direct natural sources of drinking water ( bore-well, well, or spring waters ) are around 10 to 35 milligrams per liter. But waters containing further higher levels ( > 50 mg/l Silica ) are dangerous to health because in that case there is a danger of the formation of Silica-containing kidney stones ( renal calculi ). But pure Silica stones are never formed because drinking water containing 50 mg or more of silica per liter are very rarely encountered in nature. But. On the contrary, after passing through R.O. instrument, silica levels drop to the alarmingly value of 0 to < 2 mg / liter, thus turning such a water sample unhealthy, or rather useless, not only for human consumption but for use by animals also. But the water-selling companies are unconcerned.
When our institution ( CHD ) subjected KINLEY and AQUAFINA waters for silica analysis, both the waters exhibited Zero value for SiO2. The “MOUNT KAILASH” and “NATURAL SPRING” waters also showed same results


A news item to this effect was published online on March 4th, 2004, in ‘COMMON DREAMS’ : News Center.
Source :

It has been found that at least two out of every five bottles of water sold around the world are ‘DASANI’ type tap water only, rather than mineral water originating from some good natural source. The origin of UK ‘DASANI’ came to light when a complaint was made to the British Food Standards Agency over Coke’s use of the word “PURE” in its DASANI marketing. The word “PURE” is meant that the water has been to processed to make it pure. This strategy also implies that tap water is ‘IMPURE’. Coca Cola DASANI water had a great hit and the company had created seven million pounds marketing value.


After fooling the customer in UK, the Coca Cola company is now fleecing and harming consumers in India by selling its deadly harmful water under the brand name of “KINELY”. Adopting similar deceitful tactics, the Pepsi company has launched its DANGEROUS water under the brand name of “AQUAFINA”.
Both “KINELY” and “AQUAFINA” are virtually slow poisons for the Indian consumers. Both the waters have been analyzed by CHEMISTRY FOR HUMANITY AND DIVINITY, CHD, in its laboratory, and its results are shocking. The chemical analysis of these waters has proved that these are almost de-mineralized or virtually distilled water samples which cannot support life systems of the human body. The TDS value of KINELY is only 12 ( twelve ), and that of AQUAFINA only 5 ( five ). The required TDS value is 300 mg/lit.; similarly the total hardness value for KINELY is 12 and for AQUAFINA, it is 0 ( Zero ). The normal value should not be less than 170 mg/lit. Similarly the calcium content in KINELY and AQUAFINA both is zero. The Magnesium content in KINELY is 3 mg/lit, and AQUAFINA is 0 ( Zero ). These value suggest that both these waters are poisonous for human health. Those people who are proudly drinking these waters as a ‘lifestyle choice’, are likely to suffer from heart-attacks, diabetes, hypertension, muscle-cramps, etc, in the coming years.
Both Coke and Pepsi have declared that their bottled water conforms to I.S. 14543, unfortunately for the public, and very fortunately for the Coke and Pepsi, the specification for I.S. 14543, is so highly defective and useless that even ordinary tap water can satisfy its norms. This specification does not guarantee even the basic minimum requirement of TDS, Total Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium levels, without which the water is bound to create havoc in the human life. If there is no hardness, no TDS, and no Calcium and Magnesium, that sample of water is unfit even for an aquarium. Fish kept in such a water will soon die for lack of the minerals.
On account of all these facts and figures, the manufacturing of Kinely and Aquafina water should be banned with immediate effect. At the same time a specification of I.S. No. 14543 issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards ( B.I.S. ) must be declared obsolete and outdated. Instead all bottle waters manufactured in India should invariably be of natural ‘Mineral Water Quality’. “The packaged drinking water” system must be declared illegal. Every mineral water sold in the country must print a declaration on the label about the TDS, Total Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium contents. Preferably the values of these four parameters should be around 300, 170, 75 and 30 respectively. The R. O. system for the drinking water should also be banned in India as it strips the water of its life-sustaining mineral content, and health of the consumer suffers irreparable damage despite spending money.


Startling facts About Water as Revealed by
118/23, NAZIRABAD, GUMTI NO.5, KANPUR-208012
T e s t R e p o r t

Sl. No. Characteristic KINLEY AQUAFINA

1. T. D. S. 12 mg / litre 5 mg / litre

2. TOTAL HARDNESS 12 mg/litre NIL
( as CaCO3 )

3. CALCIUM ( as Ca2+ ) NIL NIL

4. MAGNESIUM ( as Mg2- ) 3 mg / litre NIL

5. SILICA ( as SiO2 ) NIL NIL .

ON THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MOUNT KAILASH WATER ( Of M/s Peacock Minerl Waters Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad ; AND “NATURAL SPRING” WATER ( Of M/s G. C. Beverages ( P ) Ltd., Solan, H. P. )


1. TOTAL HARDNESS 50 mg / litre 160
( as CaCO3 )

2. SILICA ( as SiO2 ) NIL NIL

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Chemistry is not only most fascinating and most vital of all the subjects, it is apparently the only branch of knowledge that can bring us near the God—the creator and ruler of the universe. Chemistry lies at the heart of life and everything around us. For such reasons, it is often called "the central science". The processes in our brain, in our heart, in our stomach, and in each and every other part of our body involve countless number of intricate chemical reactions. These chemical reactions convert the food that we eat into trillions of amazing-structured tiny molecules for building body tissues and providing energy to each and every cell of our body. Similarly, The clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the air we inhale, and vehicles that transport us are all mad up of chemical materials. Likewise, the earth under our feet is comprised of rocks, minerals, and soil - all of which can be appreciated on a chemical basis only. Similarly, the sky ( upper environment that comprises new worlds ) above our head which are lying expanded to billions of light years away, and going up to the distant galaxies, are also made up of staggering variety of chemicals, not yet well understood.

Some scientists have long held the notion that comets delivered many of the chemical building blocks of organic life. NASA's recent Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1 has substantially strengthened their belief. Results published in September 8, 2005 edition of Science Express, Deep Impact scientists say they have found high levels of organic chemicals beneath the surface of Tempel 1's core. They have yet to identify all of the chemicals present in the material, which was ejected on July 4, 2005, when the comet collided with a projectile released from Deep Impact spacecraft. But what they've seen so far makes it "more likely" that comets had actually seeded Earth with the chemical precursors for organic life. The entire team was amazed when it detected an unexpectedly high concentration of methyl cyanide ( CH3CN ). Biologists say methyl cyanide is a key player in reactions that lead to the synthesis of DNA. "If methyl cyanide is a particularly abundant component, it would suggest that comets could have delivered an abundance of these highly reactive compounds to the early Earth," notes Tom McCollom, a researcher at the University of Colorado at Boulder's Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics. Methyl cyanide's abundance may also confirm that comets like Tempel 1 can open a window on conditions from which the sun and solar system formed some 4.6 billion years ago.
In the dust and gas that inhabits the distances between stars, hydrogen cyanide ( HCN ) is more abundant than methyl cyanide, notes Diane Wooden, an astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California. But once frigid clouds of dust and gas begin to condense, methyl cyanide begins to dominate hydrogen cyanide in the center of the cloud where sun-like stars and planets will form.
Deep Impact may be looking at the heart of the cloud that gave birth to our solar system. Deep Impact also has given planetary scientists the first direct measurements of a comet's density. The results imply that the nearly four-mile-wide nucleus is a loose ball of rubble. Global pictures of the nucleus suggest that it is built from two smaller sections that merged early in the object's history. Moreover, when the impact struck, it burrowed into a layer of loosely bound, fine icy dust that is at least 30 feet deep. The surface appears to be so brittle or porous so as to offer little or no solid support to anything that would land on it.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Under The Campaign of Protection of Consumer Rights

Analytical research work (in food sector) for the benefit of the entire international community, aimed at checking adulteration in consumer products, was carried out by the president & secretary of the society ( At the society’s sister laboratory, KANPUR TEST HOUSE ) in collaboration with scientists of Harcourt Butler Technological Institute [HBTI ] and VSSD College, Kanpur. The research work done was related to the vital field of edible oils, and the results were published in the Journals relating to the edible oil field. The abstracts of the published research papers are as follows :
1. "Identification of Physically Refined Rice Bran Oil and Its Simple Detection in Other Oils" [ J. Oleo Sci., 53, (8) 413-415 (2004) ]

The issue of purity of the edibles is becoming increasingly important in the food industry. Many branded oil products are being sold at a premium price on the basis of their purity and quality, or on the basis of their health-boosting effects. Undue financial advantage is also taken by deliberately mislabeling or adulterating the oils and presenting them as quality products in the market. In the present paper a new, very simple, rapid, reliable and highly economical qualitative technique is being reported. By means of this test, adulteration of low-priced rice bran oil in high-priced oils cab be detected within one minute. A small quantity of alkaline solution of suspected oil sample when treated with small quantity of benzenediazonium chloride solution at 0 – 5oc followed by shaking of the mixture, a brilliant orange-red colour of 5-phenylazo-g-oryzanol or 5-phenylazoferulic acid ( which is indeed a dye material ) develops within the next few seconds indicating the presence of rice bran oil adulteration in the test sample. Upto 2.5 % rice bran oil adulteration can be detected with this new techniqe.
2. “Identification of Argemone Oil and its Simple Qualitative Detection in Mustard Oil ” [ Brassica, 5, ( 3 & 4 ), 75 – 76, 2003 ]
At present time, when unethical trading practices including adulteration have assumed alarming dimensions, quick and sure tests for judging the quality of products will prove to be very useful. In the present paper a new, very simple and highly economical colour test is reported by means of which adulteration of argemone oil in mustard oil can be detected within one minute. A few drops of suspected mustard oil sample when treated successively with a methanolic solution of salicylic acid in presence of nitric acid, and sulphuric acid followed by shaking of the mixture, a crimson red or deep orange-red colour develops within the next few seconds indicating the presence of argemone oil in mustard oil. Upto 0.1 % argemone oil adulteration can be detected with this new technique. The coloured product formed is supposed to be a nitrosalicylate salt of hydrolyzed sanguinarine.
3. “A simple non-instrumental technique to differentiate a natural mustard oil sample from a synthetically-made artificially mustard oil ”
[ J. Oil Tech. Assn. India, 34, (4) 147-148 (2002) ]
The commercial value of the mustard oil is quite often evaluated by the common man on the basis of the degree of sharpness of the smell and pungency exhibited by the oil. The smell and pungency arise owing to the presence of allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) and other isothiocyanate ( R-NCS ). A simple and reliable, non-instumental technique has been developed by means of which natural ( unadulterated ) and synthetically made artificial mustard oil samples can be differentiated in the laboratory. The AITC either in pure form or in the blended form with some other oil when refluxed with an aqueous solution of sodium azide ( NaN3 ) produces 1-allyl-2-tetrazoline-5-thione (Hatt-5) which upon reaction with a neutral or very slightly acidic solution of bismuth nitrate, Bi(NO3)3, produce a characteristic deep yellow precipitate of a co-ordination complex, [Bi(att-5)2NO3]. In place of bismuth nitrate, bismuth chloride solution can also be used. The AITC content of the natural mustard oil, owing to some unknown reasons as yet, does not react with sodium azide, hence the final reaction with bismuth nitrate gives no colour reaction. However, synthetic or artificially made mustard oil samples ( to which AITC has been deliberately mixed with any other oil) easily give colour reaction with bismuth nitrate following heating with sodium azide solution. A synthetic mustard oil containing down to o.1 % AITC can be easily identified by this new technique.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Apiece of Research Work in the History of Organic Chemistry
Sarabjeet Singh Johar
( President, Chemistry for Humanity & Divinity)

Correction of an historical misrepresentation

The general conception as advanced by our text books of organic chemistry -- Indian or foreign -- that the German chemist FRIEDRICH WOHLER was the pioneer to carry out the first ever synthesis of an organic compound, UREA, by heating ammonium cyanate, must now be discarded. The impression that by synthesizing urea in the laboratory in the year 1828, FREDRICH WOHLER inflicted a death blow to the mysterious “Vital Force Theory” of JONS JAKOB BERZELIUS propounded by him in 1815, is far from truth. It appears that authors of text books as well as historians of chemistry throughout world have overlooked a landmark reaction carried out by a German physicist rather than a German chemist that led to the synthesis of the first ever synthetic organic substance, seven years earlier ( in 1821 ) than the reported work of FRIEDRICH WOHLER ( in 1828 ). Incidentally, the credit of first ever organic synthesis goes to a man namesake of WOHLER ( actually A. WOHLER ). The compound synthesized by A. WOHLER was comparatively complex in structure as compared to simple structural nature of urea prepared, by F. WOHLER. That is why, the problem of resolving the true structure of the “first” organic compound in the history of chemistry continued for 140 years.

When the Vital Force Theory of BERZELIUS was only 6 years old, A. WOHLER had carried out an historical reaction between ammonium thiocyanate and concentrated hydrochloric acid, and isolated a pale yellow crystalline solid, m.p. 200 degree centigrade ( decompn ). It was shown to be a pure organic substance, having the molecular formula H2C2N2S3, and hitherto not isolated from any of the natural sources—plants or animals, was immediately published ( Ann. Physik, 69, 273, 1821 ), but as to the structural formula of the compound, the problem remained unsolved.

NH4CNS + HCl --- H2C2N2S3

This 19th century compound, named isoperthiocyanic acid, remained in total darkness even upto the middle of 20th century. It was only in the year 1961 ( 140 years after its first isolation ) that the structure of isoperthiocyanic acid was resolved by A. HORDVIK ( Acta Chem. Scand., 15, 1186, 1961 ) when he published its electron density maps which showed the presence of two adjacent sulphur atoms in a five-membered ring. The work of A. HORDVIK as well as that of EMELEUS et al. ( H. J. Emeleus, A. Haas, and N. J. Shepperd, J. Org. Chem., 3165, 1963 ) have proved that isoperthiocyanic acid is actually 3-Amino-5-thione-1,2,4-dithiazole.

Laten on, in Germany, United States, and USSR, isoperthiocyanic acid was found useful as a vulcanizing agent for polychloroprene rubber and for chemical colouring of nonferrous metals. It has also found use as an analytical reagent in the laboratory.
Thus, isoperthiocyanic acid has been used for the selective detection of nitrite ion ( G. S. Johar, G. Majumdar, and J. P. Singh, Mikrochim. Acta, 47, 79, 1972 ), determination of cadmium ( M. I. Lebedeva et al., Zh. Anal. Khim., 79, 1440, 1974 ) and determination of niobium ( B. Tamhina and C. Djordjevic, Croat. Chem. Acta, 47, 79, 1975 ). D. A. EDWARDS et al. ( Inorg. Chim. Acta, 23, 215, 1977 ) have worked out the complex formation potential of isoperthiocyanic acid, and have prepared and characterized its palladium( II ), platinum( II ), and copper( I ) complexes.

It should therefore be clear, once and for all, to all the chemistry people -- teachers, researchers, students, etc. -- that it was A. WOHLER who in 1821 had synthesized the first ever organic compound ( isoperthiocyanic acid or 3-Amino-5-thione-1,2,4-dithiazole ) in the laboratory, from inorganic sources. Consequently, the credit of disproving the vital force theory of BERZELIUS goes to A. WOHLER, and not to F. WOHLER.
The sulfocyanic theory on the origin of life

In the early 1930s, Alfonso L. Herrera proposed his so-called sulfocyanic theory on the origin of life, an autotrophic proposal on the first living beings according to which NH4SCN and H2CO ( formaldehyde ) acted as raw materials for the synthesis of bio-organic compounds inside primordial photosynthetic protoplasmic structures. Although the work of Herrera has been frequently cited in historical analysis of the development of the origin of life studies, but confirmatory attention to the chemical significance of the Herrera’s reactions has been given only recently by L. Perezgasga, E. Siilva, A. Lazcano, & A. Negron-Mendoza [ International Journal of Astrobiology (2003), 2:301-306 ]. In their paper the authors have reported the results of their search for amino acids obtained from a reactive mixture used by Herrera from 1933 onwards. Chromatograms using the high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique suggest the presence of several amino acids, the total yield being 2% of the initial thiocyanate used. Preliminary identification based on HPLC retention times suggests the presence of glycine, alanine, cysteine and methionine. Alanine was the most abundant amino acid in all samples of fractionated material analysed. Although the starting materials used by Herrera were determined by his autotrophic hypothesis on the origin of cells, but the results obtained by A. Lazcano et al. showed that Herrera’s experiments may provide insights into the abiotic synthesis of sulfur-containing amino acids within the framework of a heterotrophic emergence of life.

Monday, July 04, 2005


Human Soul = 21 Grams
“Reincarnation Theory Of Cause & Effect”

There is a wonderful scientific and logical explanation of the relationship between birth-and-death and entrance-and-exit of energy ( soul ) from-and-to somewhere. The essence of this article is that energy is matter, and matter has weight. The human astral body ( soul ) is a subtler form of matter. Energy can neither be destroyed nor it can be created, so where from this energy that makes us go comes ? Probably no one can guess it until death comes for him / her.
In the year 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Massachusetts (USA) carried out epoch-making experiments on terminally ill patients, and proved that a human soul always carries a weight of 21 grams. Dr. MacDougall put his about-to-die patients on a specially built bed-sized most sensitive balance and found that as soon as the patient died there was a sudden drop in the scale level, with a thud, for 21 grams. One of his patients who first died and the scale showed a drop equivalent to 21 grams, but later became alive ( probably by resuscitation), and the scale regained the + 21 gram level. This world famous experiment was thoroughly highlighted by the American newspaper including New York Times.
Based on Dr. MacDougall’s experiment, a feature film titled “21 Grams”, starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, was released in America in November 2003, and it had won Oscar Awards also.
At the time of death the entire amount of energy in the human body is unlocked and readies for entering into another body ( not necessarily human one ) or it is made to trave to infinity. The speed of movement of this energy is possibly equal to the speed of light, viz., 300,000 kilometres per second. It is possible that the entire quantum of energy that makes an exit at the moment of death is a pure electricity. Now it has to be calculated as to how much energy a human body accounts for the loss of a gross weight of 21 grams ? Considering the weight of an electron ( the basic constituent of electricity ) as 1/1850th part of a proton ( hydrogen atom ) the total quantity of electrons or electricity, making up one human soul, comes out to be : 21 x 1850 x ( 6.022 x 1023 ), which is a mind-boggling enormous quantity. This quantity comes out to be 2339547 x 1023 or roughly 234 x 1027 [ The value 6.022 x 1023 is
Avogadro Number which states that one gram atom of any element ( e.g., 1 gram of hydrogen ) carries 6.022 x 1023 number of atoms ].

Sarabjeet Singh Johar
Chemistry For Humanity & Divinity
118/23, Nazirabad, Kanpur-208012 ( India ).
Phone : 91-512-2218625
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