About 32 years ago, on December 9, 1976, a news item titled “Vasectomy Makes For Better Sex Life” was published in India’s leading daily, The Times Of India, New Delhi. In response to that TOI news story the author of this article ( GSJ ), who is also the Secretary of CHEMISTRY FOR HUMANITY & DIVINITY [ CHD ]—a non-profit organization, had responded by getting his own letter article titled “Vasectomy Benefits” published in the same newspaper on 18-12-1976. Since the contents of the author’s that 32-year-old article are still valid today, the same print medium article is being reproduced hereunder for the benefit of entire human society sans boundaries
A group of nine research workers led by Dr. D. C. G. Skegg at Oxford University, England, studied the blood hormone levels of men who had undergone vasectomy ( up to 6 years back ) and of those who were about to undergo this operation. It was found that mean plasma concentration of the most important male sex hormone “TESTOSTERONE” was slightly higher in those who had undergone vasectomy than in those who had not done so. On the other hand no significant difference was found in the two groups as regards the concentration of LH ( luteinizing hormone ), FSH ( follicle-stimulating hormone ), PROLACTIN ( milk secretion-stimulating hormone ), and OESTRADIOL ( a hormone of feminine origin ). Similarly, Dr. R. P. Das and his associates at the Biomedical Division of National Institute of Family Planning, New Delhi have observed that the concentration of SIALIC ACID ( N-acetylneuraminic acid ) which is a vital component of various mucoproteins and is present in saliva and semen both, remains the same before and after vasectomy.
At the Institute for Research in Reproduction ( I.R.R.) Bombay , it has been found that though the activity of the enzyme “SEMEN MALTASE” is reduced ( from 28.7 to 11.7 units/ml ) after vasectomy, the FRUCTOSE content remains unchanged. It is therefore quite obvious that there are apparently no major changes in the hormonal or other functions of the body after vasectomy. But at the same time, the increased amount of TESTOSTERONE following vasectomy undoubtedly increases the sexual power of the individual.
Another proof of the fact that vasectomy does not adversely affect hormonal quality, quantity, and activity in the body after vasectomy operation, has come from Central Drug Research Institute (C.D.R.I.), Lucknow. At this institute, a group of researchers have observed that the urinary excretion rate of male sex hormones and the activity of pituitary gland and its GONADOTROPHIN content (which stimulate sex glands) in non-vasectomized and vasectomized dogs ( after 90, 180, and 360 days of operation ) remained virtually unaltered.
In fact there is feeling in western countries that old and senile persons who have lost their sexual urge more or less completely can regain vitality after undergoing vasectomy.
Interestingly enough, it has also been conclusively proved that the blood and urine levels of the male sex hormone “TESTOSTERONE” have a direct relationship with the “heart condition”. A group of six Argentine doctors headed by U. L. Poggt found that in all patients who somehow survived myocardial infarction ( heart failure ) there were invariably observed low plasma testosterone levels ( Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, Vol. 7, p. 229, 1976 ). Similarly, another group of doctors, led by S. S. Barats at the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, Sverdlovsk , USSR, have linked the state of heart condition with urinary levels of TESTOSTERONE ( Kardiologiya, Vol. 16, p. 143, 1976 ). In males ( 40 – 60 years old ) a decrease in urinary TESTOSTERONE concentration to 28.1 micrograms per day from the normal value of 50.18 micrograms per day means ( according to Russian doctors ) development of an ischemic heart disease. Since vasectomy invariably results in an increased TESTOSTERONE synthesis in the body ( hence higher levels of this hormone in the blood and urine ), it may be concluded that vasectomized individuals sponte sua develop a higher safety index against heart diseases like atherosclerosis, etc.
Thus, opting for ‘vasectomy’ is hundred times simpler than undergoing ‘lumpectomy’, ‘hysterectomy’, ‘appendectomy, prostatectomy, or ‘mastectomy’. And of all the ‘–tomies’, vasectomy is the most beneficial on medical, ethical, and sociological grounds.
Hereunder the author of this article (GSJ) is poetically summarizing his views on vasectomy :
A Vasectomy Poetry
Vasectomy calls for only a minor tubular slit,
Providing not one , but many a health benefit.
If some one terms it an unethical religious shit,
He, for entire human society, be treated as unfit.
Adding a wanton child by unprotected sexual hit
Is a most serious social crime that one can commit.
Hello ladies ! Thus, opting for vasectomy is likely to increase your husband’s life span by providing a natural protection against heart attacks, etc. Not only this, the sexual power of a vasectomized husband is also likely to be relatively raised from pre-vasectomy level.