Human Soul = 21 Grams
“Reincarnation Theory Of Cause & Effect”
There is a wonderful scientific and logical explanation of the relationship between birth-and-death and entrance-and-exit of energy ( soul ) from-and-to somewhere. The essence of this article is that energy is matter, and matter has weight. The human astral body ( soul ) is a subtler form of matter. Energy can neither be destroyed nor it can be created, so where from this energy that makes us go comes ? Probably no one can guess it until death comes for him / her.
In the year 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Massachusetts (USA) carried out epoch-making experiments on terminally ill patients, and proved that a human soul always carries a weight of 21 grams. Dr. MacDougall put his about-to-die patients on a specially built bed-sized most sensitive balance and found that as soon as the patient died there was a sudden drop in the scale level, with a thud, for 21 grams. One of his patients who first died and the scale showed a drop equivalent to 21 grams, but later became alive ( probably by resuscitation), and the scale regained the + 21 gram level. This world famous experiment was thoroughly highlighted by the American newspaper including New York Times.
Based on Dr. MacDougall’s experiment, a feature film titled “21 Grams”, starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn, was released in America in November 2003, and it had won Oscar Awards also.
At the time of death the entire amount of energy in the human body is unlocked and readies for entering into another body ( not necessarily human one ) or it is made to trave to infinity. The speed of movement of this energy is possibly equal to the speed of light, viz., 300,000 kilometres per second. It is possible that the entire quantum of energy that makes an exit at the moment of death is a pure electricity. Now it has to be calculated as to how much energy a human body accounts for the loss of a gross weight of 21 grams ? Considering the weight of an electron ( the basic constituent of electricity ) as 1/1850th part of a proton ( hydrogen atom ) the total quantity of electrons or electricity, making up one human soul, comes out to be : 21 x 1850 x ( 6.022 x 1023 ), which is a mind-boggling enormous quantity. This quantity comes out to be 2339547 x 1023 or roughly 234 x 1027 [ The value 6.022 x 1023 is Avogadro Number which states that one gram atom of any element ( e.g., 1 gram of hydrogen ) carries 6.022 x 1023 number of atoms ].
Sarabjeet Singh Johar
Chemistry For Humanity & Divinity
118/23, Nazirabad, Kanpur-208012 ( India ).
Phone : 91-512-2218625